2.  Opener's Hand:

S   A 10

H  K 8 5 2

D  J  10

C  A K Q 10 4


2a.                   Opener            Responder

                        1C                   1D

                        1H                   2H



>3H.  Opener can get all the information needed with responder's next bid.  3H asks if responder has 2 of the top three trumps.  If yes, responder cue bids an ace or bids 3NT with no outside aces.  Thus, if responder bids 4D, opener can then continue to bid to decide whether to play 6 or 7 in hearts or no trump.<


2b.                   Opener            Responder

                        1C                   1D

                        1H                   2H

                        3H                   3NT



>4H.  There probably are two losers in diamonds.<

Sample Hands (p.2 of 4, Answers)