1. Opener Responder
1C 1D
1a. How many points does opener have? >12+ points<
1b. How many clubs does opener have? >6+ clubs<
2. Opener Responder
1C 1D
2C 2H
2a. How many points does opener have? >12+ points<
2b. What is opener's distribution? >2-2-3-6<
2c. Explain the reasoning for the distribution. >Because opener didn't support hearts, opener doesn't have 3 hearts. Because opener did not bid 2 spades, opener doesn't have 3 spades. If either major suit had 0 or 1 cards, opener would have at least 4 diamonds and would bid 3 diamonds. Therefore, opener must be 2-2-3-6.<
3. Opener Responder
1C 1D
2C 2H
3a. How many points does opener have? >12+ points<
3b. How many diamonds does opener have? >4 or 5<
Opener has 6 clubs (p. 1 of 2, Answers)